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ApplicationSpecial polishing machine for round products such as box and bag hardware pendant bell, penholder, plumbing decorative cover, lamp cover, watch case, etc.


Polishing material: Sisal wheel、Cloth wheel 、Wind wheel、Flying Wing Wheel, Fiber Wheel、Nylon wheel


Characteristics:It is equipped with four grinding heads. The grinding head belongs to universal free conversion angle. For products requiring four polishing surfaces, multi-type polishing can be accomplished at the same time. As a result of rotary polishing, the output of 10 hours per person per day is about 6,000 to 8,000 hanging bell products.

广州市国丰抛光机有限公司 版权所有 @ Copyright 2013 [网站地图] [sitemap] 【百度统计】
地 址:广州市番禺区大岗镇庙青村广珠东线庙青村路段447号 电 话:020-34992929 联系人:冯先生 访问量:
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